Thursday, February 26, 2009

Proof I scrap.. just half ass!

More so the reason I never post my projects is they all lie around half completed with good intentions of one day becoming whole... and worth being looking through by others! But the reality to that is most end up covered by other incomplete projects and I move on to new products and new pictures and never look back! (Maybe one day!)
So I figured I'd share these as proof that I am creative... I try... I enjoy this hobby, it's just that my life remote didn't come with a pause button, and the 'me time' button is always broken! ;)

Nathan's Album.. lacking journaling, etc. Another incomplete project! Tyler's album (all pics of her from when she was around 2 yrs. old) Still needs to be "completed"

Obviously.. this one is a work in progress (left the month blank being I'm due first week in June.. who knows could be May.. so I figured I'd play it safe and fill in later!)
Another project, complete minus journaling.. LOL!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least you're bothering to do SOMETHING! I haven't done anything in months.